Title: Pete the Cat and His four Groovy Buttons
Summary: Pete is just skating around when he
loses a button. But it is not a big deal
he continues on his way singing his song when he loses another button. He does end up losing all of his buttons and
crashes at the end, but to Pete the Cat everything is fine.
Litwin, J. D. (2012). Pete the
Cat and His four Groovy Button. New York, New York: Harper Collins
Children's Book.
Impressions: Pete's got buttons four to be exact or
does he have two, Pete's looses buttons.
But he does he get upset? No. He's cool with it because he has more
buttons. Pete the cat is just cruzing
along on his skateboard in his very bright yellow colorful coat. This book is filled with fun and a carefree
attitude. Kids learn subtraction, and a way to deal with loss in a positive
way. That just because you lost a
button, a hair bow, or a crayon that the world will not end, and Pete has a
great way of showing kids that not everything has to be taken as a crushing
blow. Children learn how to deal with
things from a very early age, this is a positive step in how to "not
sweat the small stuff"!
Publishers Weekly May
28, 2012
In his fourth picture
book, Pete the Cat loves (and sings about) the buttons on his yellow shirt, but
when they pop off one by one, he doesn't freak out: "Did Pete cry?
Goodness, no! Buttons come and buttons go." In bold, primary colors, the
number of buttons remaining on the shirt appears at left, both as a numeral and
written out, and the diminishing buttons are represented in basic equations
(3-1=2). Even after all his buttons are gone, Pete takes it as a cue to go
surfing. Readers who need a reminder not to sweat the small stuff will find a
model of unflappability in Pete. Ages 3-7. (May) (c) Copyright PWxyz, LLC. All
rights reserved.
Children's reviews. (2012). Publishers Weekly, 259(22)
Retrieved from
Uses: That math
is simple and to not sweat the small stuff.
If you lost a library book there will be other chances to bring it
in. If you get a bad grade in a class
there is still time to make it up and that everything will be fine.
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